Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm so sorry, I haven't been writing this past week. I have had so much stress on me with schoolwork  but now I finally have a chance to breathe and to share what I've figured out since last post! This past week, I've been debating what career God wants me to have and what I could do in this life to best serve Him. When I began school in August, my major was Biomedical Sciences (Pre-Med.) Before I came to college, I was so excited to begin my journey to my dream of becoming a Pediatrician for the Children's Hospital of King Daughters! As I began college and the workload began to become overwhelming, I went into panic mode. I began to think to myself, "Am I meant to do this? Can I do this? Am I smart enough to become a doctor?" All these questions were running through my mind all day, everyday. The drive that I entered college with was gone and doubt took its place.
I began to think of other professions I would be good at such as becoming an elementary school teacher or a nurse but there was still that part of me wanting to fulfill my dream. Instead of trusting in God to get me through this journey, I completely freaked out! A famous saying came to mind as I was going through this stressful time which is "If God brings you to it, He can bring you through it!" Every inch of that saying is true and now that I realize that, I have my dream right in front of me and NOTHING will keep me from living my dream! God has given me ONE LIFE. I have one life to do it right so I'm going all in! I'm putting everything I have into the one life, physically, spiritually and emotionally. GI BIG OR GO HOME!
The journey is going to stressful, tiring, filled with sadness and despair, and I'm going to hit my breaking point. The moment where I think I can't take one more step, I will stop and stand there. Standing there in confusion with a weary look on my face, God will come along. He will come along and become my personal ENERGIZER BUNNY. He will give me the strength to finish my journey and reach my goal! When the devil is constantly whispering in my ear, telling me "You can't do this. You're not good enough." God is my personal set of headphones by blocking out the negative words around me and filling me with motivation to KEEP GOING! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You can do ANYTHING, you set your mind to! When someone doubts you, prove them wrong. SHOW EM' WHATCHA MADE OF:)