Monday, November 11, 2013

Want to know God's Plan for You?

 I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. I have been extremely busy and I finally found some free time, Praise God! Speaking of God, me and God had a major break through today. As most people reading this blog, we are all trying to find our place in this world. Christians, such as myself, will constantly ask God to guide them through life. We will pray to God to give us the power of discernment and to make the right choices in life but when God doesn't answer instantly, we begin to lose faith. How are we suppose to find God's will when we are not in a sincere relationship with Him?
My relationship with God consisted of going to church, praying, and studying the Bible in class. I was simply going through the motions. Although these things aren't necessarily bad, God want more then this. He wants a RELATIONSHIP. He wants us to spend time with Him. He wants us to have an intimate relationships with Him. You can't expect God to give you directions in life without gibing Him the time of day. Today I had a one on one conversation with God. Even though he knows, I told him my thoughts and worries about my life ahead. I felt like God was right next to me, listening to every word I said. I usually have problems opening myself up to others but I talked God's ear off today.
All of a sudden, something hit me. Why am I so concern about what others think of me when they are not the ones I'm trying to please? Why would live my life "safe" when I could be living my life 100% devoted to God? God is the only individual that you should be trying to impress. For example, in the area of relationships. Ladies, be yourself around guys. Do not try to be something you're not just to impress them. God will put that right guy in your path that will look past your imperfections and love you unconditionally just the way you are. Yes, I'm still waiting for that guy and I'm not going to change who I am to find him.
I want to leave you with this. If you want to know God's will for your life, DIVE INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. Just as you know your parent's will because you have been in a relationship with them for many years, be in that relationship with God. Once you are in a sincere and intimate relationship with God, he will begin to understand His will for you without doubting every decision you make. In all things you do, DO TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

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