Sunday, September 29, 2013

Every girl deserves to be treated like a Princess.

RESPECT. As I walk around campus, I see the lack of respect girls have for themselves and I can't believe it! My personal motto is "If you want to be treated with respect, you must have respect for yourself first."
I'll hear girls complaining and tweeting about how much they want a boyfriend that will treat them like a princess but here's my problem with this statement. Why should a guy treat you like a princess when you don't BEHAVE LIKE A PRINCESS? A princess carries themselves with class in many situations and they set standards for young ladies to follow around the world. Kate Middleton is a perfect example. She doesn't walk out of her home wearing short skirts and low-cut shirts. She doesn't wear "grandma clothes" but she does have an amazing closet of modest and tasteful clothing. I personally think she's gorgeous without having to show every part of her body because she is confident without dressing like girls in today's society. Prince William saw her true beauty rather then focusing on her body because of her lack of clothing.
In today's society, girls feel like the only way to get attention from guys is to show every part of your body and they are right. You will get attention from guys but the wrong guys. I can guarantee that they are not thinking that your personality is attractive, that's for sure. The guys you attract are not interested in a serious relationship but they will be highly satisfied with a "one-night stand." You want to find a guy that thinks you're your prettiest with no make up on, your hair up in a mess while wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.  They are focusing on your inner beauty and your personality rather then what clothes you're wearing.
When you do find the man that loves you unconditionally, do not throw yourself all over him. Take it slow and it will be worth it in the long run. Set limits for him and stick to your limits. The best way to do this is to not have pre-marital sex. Yes, I said sex. Most girls don't want to hear this word but they have not problem doing it. Believe me girls, there are guys out there that will wait until marriage for that special moment. You just have to be patient enough to find them and not fall for every guy that ask you out on a date. If you find a man that will wait until marriage, they are a keeper. That is the biggest test you could give to a guy. Once you find a guy that will wait, hold on to him because he is a keeper.
I'm still looking for this guy and I am in no rush because I want a love that will last forever. I want my future husband to love ME and to look past my imperfections because God knows I have many. I want him to look at me like I'm the one thing that he can't live without. Yes, I would LOVE to be in a relationship but not in a relationship with just anybody. I'll wait as long it takes for God to put that man in my path with no complaints.
At this very moment, I'm living my fairytale. I'm just not at the scene where my prince comes riding in on a white horse to save me from the evil dragons or crazy trolls. Even though I would love to skip to that chapter, I'm taking my fairytale page and page:)

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