Monday, September 23, 2013

John 14:1

Every morning before I start my busy day, I write a daily bible verse on a dry-erase board that I put up on my door for the girls in my hall. Personally, I know that everyday is a struggle to get up out of bed knowing that you have hours of school work ahead of you but I figured that a daily bible verse is a great way to start off my morning and the morning of the other girls in my hall.

Today's bible verse was John 14:1, "Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." Take a moment and think about what God is trying to tell us here. Is He saying that we should have no worries? Is He saying to walk around without a worry in the world? or is He saying to sit back and be lazy because God will do all the work? He is saying NONE of these things. He is simply saying to TRUST GOD. Everyone will have daily struggles in their lives. The struggles could vary from academics to financial struggles or even from emotional to physical struggles. At that moment in time we are thinking to ourselves, "How in the world am I going to get through this?" or "Yeah, of course. This would happen to me." I am guilty of this without a doubt  but after reading this verse, my outlook on life is completely different.

As we endure these hardships and struggles in our lives, we DO NOT NEED TO WORRY. We are not alone. God is with us 24.7 even if we don't think He is there. God is not here to do the work for us or make life easy. He is here to walk behind us and when we fall, He is there to pick us up and push us to keep going. God puts these struggles in our lives not to make us dread getting up in the morning but to make us stronger. By becoming stronger, we are becoming stronger disciples for Him. We are now able to use our struggles as a testimony to others. We are able to witness to those who are in doubt and are struggling just as we were. We are given the golden opportunity to tell them how we got through the rough patches of our lives as God as our "wingman". Remember guys, we are not alone. We are just in D.M.B. "Disciple Making Bootcamp" :)

John 14:1

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