Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon.. Am I worthy enough to be called Beautiful?

Self- Esteem is a constant struggle for many girls and guys around the world.I am going to be discussing self esteem from a girl's perspective because I will be able provide you with a more personal and more meaningful message.
Self -esteem is a constant struggle that I deal with on a daily basis. I can't help to find myself, no matter where I go, constantly comparing myself to other girls I see or come in contact with. I will begin thinking to myself, "I wish I had her clothes, hair, body, skin, car, personalities ,etc.." Some girls love looking in a mirror any chance they can get but I try to avoid them. When I look in the mirror, I only see my flaws. I will begin to pick out every single "imperfection" that I see and I will do everything I can to fix or hide this flaw. After a while, it becomes exhausting. Constantly thinking about what others see when they look at you is like running a marathon. You keep going and going until you eventually can't continue.
If someone asked me right now, "Do you consider yourself perfect or imperfect?", I would immediately say imperfect but I am wrong! Through God's eyes, each one of us is perfect. Matthew 5:48 says, "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." We are perfect because God created us in His perfect image! Our God is perfect which means so are we! I would never think the day would come that I can say, "I am perfect."
When you watch your favorite television shows or movies, do you ever ask yourself "Why can't I be Jennifer Aniston or Why can't I look like Reese Witherspoon?" I know I do, it never fails but I am working on it. We look at individuals, like Reese and Julia, as perfect actresses without any flaws. Believe it or not, you are an actress in a movie at this very moment. You are an actress in God's movie which is by far a box-office hit! God sees each one of us as "perfect actresses", so why shouldn't we have that same perspective towards ourselves?
I challenge you, myself as well, to view yourself as beautiful because you are! Stop comparing yourself to other girls and embrace the body you have because we are beautiful creations of God. Walk with your head held high and embrace your inner and outer beauty. When you walk into a room, shine bright like a diamond!

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