Monday, September 30, 2013

You Can Only be Strong so Long Before You Break.

Although I love putting inspirational and uplifting messages up here daily, today was a hard day for me. I could sit back and tell you that that my day was filled with "unicorns and fairy dust" but I'd rather be real with you. Today I reached my breaking point. You know when you have one of those days when everything hits you at once? That was me.
Today I was exhausted and literally running on fumes. I have several papers, tests and assignments due in a short period time and it seems like no matter what I do, I never have a enough time to get everything done! I've been rushing to get everything done at the best of my ability these past couple of days and I literally looked like a walking zombie! About a week ago, I took a huge history test! History has never been my favorite nor strong subject but I was determined to do my best. I studied for a whole week on this one subject and I felt pretty confident I was going to get a decent grade. Well, today I found out my grade and I didn't do as well as I thought. I was crushed! I put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this assignment and it seemed like it didn't help me at all. Yes I'll admit, I broke down and cried my eyes out. I didn't cry only because of my grade but because it seemed like no matter how hard I worked on anything, it seemed to never pay off. So I did want any girl would do, I called my mommy. After talking my mother's ear off, she finally had time to speak. She told me to keep my head up and not to worry about it!  She said, "You did the best you could do and there was nothing more that I could do!" She told me that the devil was trying to basically "kick me while I'll was down." Most of everyone that knows me would describe me as a fighter. I never give up and I won't back down from a challenge but I'm only human. I have my days where my emotions run wild and I just feel like giving up but the next day I am back to my normal self. I tell myself that today is a new day and IT'S MY DAY! God has blessed me with another chance to show the world what I am made of and I'm not going to let him down.
When you have those days, take a moment and cry. It's is perfectly okay and I promise you that you will feel ten times better after doing so! Shake it off and go out into the world and SHOW EM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF:)

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