Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pslam 27:13

Psalm 27:13 says "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living." Everyday when you turn on the news, what do you see? Do you see celebrations, parties and events overflowing with happiness? No. You see bombings, murders, starvation and wickedness all around the world. As you watch the news, does your confidence of the world becoming a better and happier place fade away? I know mine does. I sit back and wonder if there is any chance that this world can make a "comeback". Could this world be the "comeback kid" or will it go down without a fight?
God is giving us hope in this scripture. He is telling us that no matter how wicked the world has came to be, goodness will return to this place we call home. As we sit back and evaluate these wicked acts that take place on a daily basis, we usually come to the point of having sympathy for the individuals or we end up complaining about the situation. What really gets accomplished by complaining? Absolutely nothing.
If you want to see change in this world, a change that will bring the spirit of God upon this land, you need to make a difference. Don't sit back and wait for someone else to do the job for you. Be the one to step out of their comfort zone to benefit the lives of others. All it takes to start movement,  "regeneration of this world," is one person. Once one person makes that commitment, many will follow just as when one domino falls, the rest eventually fall as well. I challenge you to be that individual. Throughout the day, observe the actions of others. If you see anyone displaying an act of wickedness, be the one to step up and guide them in the right direction. The direction of our loving and forgiving Father.

1 comment:

  1. what an inspiration you are! Thanks for always having encouraging words for me, it means a lot to know someone shares the same faith that i have and is not afraid to speak up about it! :)
