Sunday, September 22, 2013

Home away from Home..

Without a shadow of a doubt, being in college has its ups and downs. I am blessed beyond words to be given the opportunity to not only further my education but to be able to do so at the greatest Christian college in the world, Liberty University. Liberty University may be my new home for now but I can not even describe to you guys how much I miss my friends and family back home. It isn't the same not being able to wake up and run down stairs to see my parents and sister. My heart will always be back home no matter how far away I am and you better believe I am counting down the days for every holiday!
Liberty has blessed me with a second family away from home. I've met a group of the most amazing girls here and they keep me going each and every day. When my workload is unbearable and when I'm feeling homesick, I can always count on them to be here for me. Living here in the mountains is absolutely breathtaking. If my family and friends could just move up here with me, it would be absolutely perfect!
I am excited for the plan God has laid out for my life. I might not understand his way of thinking or where he is going with it but I just sit back and pretend I'm Carrie for a while and let "Jesus take the Wheel". I always know that He has what's best for me in mind and I wouldn't even think for a second to question it. When days are hard and I'm to the point of exhaustion, I turn to God. I remember that through Christ all things are possible.
Liberty's great saying is "Get That Ring before Spring". Every girl on campus is trying to find their future husband within the first semester of their freshman year and they won't stop until they do! Girls, yall need to chill out and take a minute to breathe! That's the first thing on their mind when they wake up and the last thing on their mind before they go to sleep. Just like every girl in the world, I'm looking for that special someone but I'm not looking for just any someone. I want him to be the one God has kept for me ever since I was a little girl and I believe whole heartily that he is out there. I might not find him today or tomorrow or even the nest day, but one day I will and it will be well worth the wait. Ladies don't settle for anyone. Find the guy that God has for you that will respect, love, and protect you. Find the man that will love you unconditionally and not just for your appearance but for who you are as an individual. Yes, I am still waiting for that special someone and I don't mind the wait one bit:)

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